DIY Advent Wreath
As mommas, we set the tone of our home. This truth became even more apparent to me today. I am sick and I've pretty much all but lost my voice. I have been speaking to the kids in a whisper and it was amazing to see the tone of our home slow to a hush. My whispers quieted our normally loud and talkative home. Sometimes we need to slow to a whisper, especially during the Christmas season. So many things are screaming at us, trying to gain our attention. A simple Advent wreath is an easy way to quiet our spirits and turn our hearts to the true meaning of Christmas, the coming of Emmanuel- God with us. Advent begins Sunday, December 3rd. There are so many ways to celebrate, but we are choosing to celebrate weekly. It just feels doable in the midst of life with three little children. On Sundays there will simply be the lighting of the candle, a short Scripture reading and prayer. This is one tradition that doesn't need to feel overwhelming, actually the point of an Advent ...