This Is A Hard Season
A few years ago I was sitting across from a fellow mom who was vulnerably sharing how she was struggling with her daily quiet time. "I just can't seem to carve out time to read the Bible daily" she said. A chorus of encouragement came, but not the kind I was expecting from a small group of women gathered to study God's Word. "Oh this is a hard season" "We all struggle with that" "Don't be so hard on yourself"... I agree with all of those things but if we stop there when encouraging other mom's we fall painfully short. And if we let ourself believe those excuses, as I did for far too long, we are missing out on great blessing.
This season with little ones is absolutely difficult. But every season of life has it's challenges, and we are called to disciple those little hearts that call us momma. How can we do that if we aren't spending time with the Lord? The time to know God's Word is now. It is so important, we all know it is. But it's also urgent.
So yes, this is a hard season, time is limited, life is loud and demanding, but we have the opportunity to know the God of the Universe today, on our couch with a nursing babe in arms or at our dining room table with coffee in hand. He meets us right where we are. And I don't know about you, but I don't want to wait until some undisclosed fantasy time in the future when life magically slows down to know Him and His Word. I need Him today. In the hard stuff, I need Him.
So this is just a short and sweet encouragement to the momma's out there who may be hearing the same thing "This is a hard season." Yes, it is. So pick up your Bible and let Him carry you.
// Don't know where to start? Here are a few of the resources I have found helpful:
the SheReadsTruth App (for reading plans)
the Bible Project videos (they give you a brief but thorough overview of every book of the Bible)
Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin (I can't recommend this book more highly!!)
A blank journal to write prayers and memory verses
I hope these are helpful to you. The Bible is for you in every season, especially the season you're in the midst of today.
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