#NoRegrets and the Cross
Mornings are hard for us. Getting the kids out the door in time for school is a constant battle. Yesterday morning I woke early to read my Bible and pray. I specifically asked the Lord to let me react in patience and to get through the morning without regretting how I handled it. I have had many mornings where I regretted how I reacted to bad attitudes.
I woke a child up for school with a gentle song and a back tickle. I was greeted with consternation and a resolved "NO! I AM NOT GOING TO SCHOOL!" The next 30 minutes were filled with screaming (from the child) and tears (from both of us).
When things calmed down I asked if the child wanted to say anything to me. The answer was "no." A few minutes later...
"Sorry, mom."
I asked "What are you sorry for?"
"I don't know."
Can an apology be accepted when someone doesn't even know what they are apologizing for? Saying the words means nothing if there is no regret.
Regret leads to repentance and repentance is the narrow gate that leads to true relational intimacy. It is impossible to be close to someone who thinks that have never done and can do no wrong.
"It is a grace to regret. Grace allows you to face your sin, to own it and not shift the blame. But it is also grace that forgives what has been exposed." -Paul David Tripp
#NoRegrets stands in direct opposition to the Cross. To regret is to acknowledge your sin and without repentance there can be no salvation. But to live in regret is not what the Cross asks of you. The Cross bore your regret and when you hand your regret to Christ he returns freedom. Beauty from ashes. A garment of praise for our heaviness. Oh AMAZING GRACE how sweet the sound.
Regret that turns inward leads to self pity, bitterness and anger. Regret that turns to Christ leads to freedom.
In the end there was true regret and repentance from my sweet child. And in return I was able to offer true forgiveness. I am thankful that our morning wasn't perfect because in the imperfect God showed me how sweet his Grace is for my sin and how beautiful it is to model it for my children.
#NoRegrets... no thanks. Regret, repentance and restoration are much sweeter.
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